Cancelling your 2ndLine subscription won't automatically delete your number, but it does come with certain changes:

Immediate effects:

• Service will be limited: You won't be able to make or receive calls, texts, or use any app features associated with your 2ndLine number.
• Credit balance: Any remaining credit balance in your account could be forfeited.

Grace period (7 days):

• You have 7 days from the cancellation date to reactivate your subscription and recover your original number and remaining credit (if applicable).
• Reactivation can be done within the app or on our website.

After the grace period:

• Number loss: Your 2ndLine number will be released and permanently unavailable for future use. You cannot recover it after this point.
• Data deletion: All your call history, messages, and other app data linked to your 2ndLine number will be permanently deleted.

Important things to remember:

• Cancelling your subscription doesn't delete your account. You can always subscribe again and choose a new number.
• Consider setting up automatic renewal to avoid service disruptions and keep your preferred number safe.
• If you have any questions or concerns about cancelling your subscription, please contact our friendl
y customer support team for assistance.

Additional tip:

If you're unsure about cancelling permanently, consider
downgrading to a lower plan instead. This way, you can keep your number and access basic features at a reduced cost.