Accessing Hidden Chats in 2ndLine:
Here's how to hide a chats in 2ndLine app:
- Open the 2ndLine App.
- Navigate to the "Messages" tab in the bottom menu to view your message history and hide a chat.
- Swipe to the left of the desired name or number conversation that you want to Hide from your Message log
- Look for the “Hide” option and tap on it.
- To view hidden chats, select the "Hidden Chats" option.
- Hidden chats remain stored and can be unhidden anytime.
- Ensure you have the latest 2ndLine app update for optimal functionality.
- "Hidden chats" can only be accessed using the Face/Touch ID of your device. Read this article for more info on How do I access hidden chats in the 2ndLine App?
- Hiding a chat only removes it from your main message list. The recipient can still see the conversation.
- Your message will vanish from the Message log and appear in Hidden Chats. To restore it to the Message log, simply tap the "Show" option.