Recording a custom voicemail greeting in 2ndLine is easy! Here's how:

Step 1: Navigate to the Settings page and select “Voicemails” by tapping on it.

Step 2: Enable “Use Voicemail” by swiping the switch button from left to right,

Step 3: On the Voicemail page you will see options to select ‘Default Greeting’ or create your own “Custom Recorded Greeting”. Custom Recorded Greeting will enable you to record your own version and set it as a welcome message.

Step 4: Click on the “Custom Recorded Greeting” option to create your personalized greeting. 

Step 5: Look for the “Record” button and tap on it to begin recording. When you're finished, tap on the “Stop” button to stop the recording.

Step 6: Listen to a playback of your recording by tapping on the “Play” button or tap on “Re-record” to record again.

Step 7: Tap on “Save” once you’re done.

Your voicemail setup for your 2ndLine Number is complete, allowing you to receive messages when you're occupied or unavailable.

Additional Tips:

  • Keep it professional and friendly.
  • Consider different scenarios for greetings (regular vs. urgent messages).
  • Update your greeting periodically.